Custom Order



Bagaimana caranya :

Kami akan mengukur ukuran Anda dan membuatkan pakaian sesuai dengan ukuran Anda.

Deposit sebesar 50% dari total harus dibayar di muka (atau jumlah yang disepakati). Setelah selesai (kami akan mengirimkan notifikasi), harap selesaikan pembayaran dalam waktu 30 hari sejak tanggal notifikasi produk jadi.

Setelah pembayaran diterima (dalam 30 hari) dan ada buktinya!, Anda dapat mengambil pesanannya atau kami dapat mengirimkannya kepada Anda.

Jika pembayaran BELUM diterima DALAM 30 hari, setelah pemberitahuan produk jadi, kami berasumsi bahwa Anda membatalkan atau TIDAK MAU MEMBAYAR pesanan dan TIDAK ADA PENGEMBALIAN DANA deposit, dan pesanan DIBATALKAN.

Mohon dimaklumi bahwa setiap pesanan custom berukuran sesuai dengan badan ANDA, sehingga kami berusaha lebih keras dalam pembuatannya dan bahan kain sudah dibeli dan dibuat menjadi produk custom tersebut.

Apa yang terjadi dengan produk tersebut (yang tidak dibayar penuh), kami membuangnya, Karena dibuat khusus SPECIFIC DENGAN BADAN ANDA.

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Custom Order

How :

We will measure your size and make the clothes according to your size.

Deposit of 50% of the total will have to be paid upfront (or the amount agreed).
Once finished (we will send notification), please do finalised the payment in 30 days from the date of notification of finished product.

Once payment received (in 30 days) and there is proof, Then you can pick up the order or we can send them to you.

If payment has NOT been received WITHIN 30 days, after the notification of finished products, we will assumed that you cancelled or NEGLECTED TO PAY the order and NO REFUND on deposit fund, and the order is CANCELLED.

Please understand that every custom order is sized according to a person’s body, so we do put more effort in making them and the fabric has been bought and made into that custom product.

What happened to the product (that did not get fully paid), we threw it out. As it is custom made ACCORDING TO YOUR BODY.